Role of PPA

The mandate of PPA has been enhanced by addition of the following functions:

1To ensure organization, analysis and supervision in public procurement matters.
2To advise the government and all public procurement organs on the policies, strategies in matters related to the organization of public procurement;
3To control activities of awarding public contracts and their execution;
4To develop professionalism of the staff involved in public procurement;
5To establish cooperation and collaboration with other regional and international agencies whose mission is similar to that of PPA.
6To perform such other duties as may be assigned by law and which are not contrary to its main mission.

Research, Capacity Development and Monitoring Division

The division is mainly responsible of the following:

1.1. Capacity development, coaching and mentoring

Develop and propose annual strategic plan for capacity building and development in public procurement.
Elaborate and develop annual strategic methodologies for capacity building and development in public procurement.
Design and develop capacity building materials in public procurement.
Update capacity building materials in public procurement.
Elaborate an publish annual calendar for training, coaching and mentoring program for public procurement stakeholders (Procurement Officers members of public tender committees, Chief Budget Managers; legal advisors and internal auditors, contract managers and end-users; bidders and members of the civil society).
Conduct training, coaching and mentoring programs in public procurement.
Establish and develop a database of Staff trained and changed (turnover) in public procurement and determine their level of education.
Elaborate and publish capacity building strategic plan in public procurement.
Develop and elaborate annual strategic sensitization plan in public procurement.
Develop and propose all updates to be made in the standard bidding document and other tools to be used in capacity building (e.g: online training platform).
Develop and propose partnership with HLIs in Public Procurement.
Develop operational and follow up plan of the implementation of Curriculum in public procurement.
Analyze and determine annually the level of professionalization in public procurement.
Produce and establish a Database of Graduate students in procurement including undergraduates, postgraduate and finalists of professional courses in procurement.

1.2. Monitoring in Public Procurement

Staff under this component are responsible of the following;

Develop and propose annual strategic plan for monitoring activities in public procurement.
Elaborate and develop strategic methodologies for monitoring activities in Public Procurement
Assess and monitor market research of real prices on the market conducted and approved by PEs before the publication of the annual public Procurement Plan; Produce a database of the progress of implementation all procurement plans of PEs in view of the milestones or schedules of work specified, Conduct risk-based monitoring and propose corrective measures for application of non-competitive procedures and unfair evaluation criteria mentioned in the tender documents by PEs
Conduct risk-based monitoring and propose corrective measures for unlawful evaluation process of PEs in public procurement.
Monitor all contracts negotiation and signature from PEs before the implementation and produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Monitor all contracts executions and propose corrective measures and produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Review administrative documents for request of categorization from the bidders for tender of works and submit their request for approval.
Monitor the implementation of Made in Rwanda in Public Procurement and produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports

1.3. Contract management and procurement research

A. Research in Public Procurement

Develop and propose the annual strategic plan for research in public procurement.
Develop and propose methodologies to conduct research in public Procurement.
Review and assess the performance of public procuring entities and publish their ranking.
Conduct and publish the scale of public Procurement expenditure in GDP.
Analyze the level of compliance of Government Procuring Entities in public procurement.
Analyze and assess the implementation of Made in Uganda in Public Procurement Research on different components related to public procurement satisfaction of stakeholders, stakeholders mapping and engagement, debarment of bidders and its impact, strategic capacity development in public procurement, categorization of bidders, strategic contract management, corruption in public procurement.

B. Contract Management in Public Procurement

Develop and propose the annual strategic plan for managing contracts in public procurement.
Elaborate and develop strategic methodologies for managing all contracts in public procurement.
Elaborate and develop strategic methodologies for partnering with all contract managers of Procuring Entities in Uganda.
Determine and follow up the process of all procurement contracts ready for negotiation and signature and produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Assess service delivery of all contracts signed between bidders and procuring entities to ensure that the products and services are delivered as and when they are ordered and produce a monthly, quarterly and annual report.
Oversee all PEs procurement contracts to ensure that day-to-day procurement activities follow the spirit and sections of the contract and produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Follow up changes of all procurement contracts and handling them effectively and produce a monthly, quarterly and annual report.
Identify Monitor and follow up the payment of all closed contracts of PEs and propose corrective measures and produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Monitor disputes, problems and challenges occurred during contract implementation and propose corrective measures and produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Produce a database of the progress of all procurement contracts in view of the milestones or schedules of work.

C. Reference Price and Quantity Survey

Develop and propose annual strategic plan for data collection, quantity survey and management of reference prices in public procurement.
Elaborate and develop strategic methodologies for data collection and quantity survey for reference prices in public procurement.
Develop and propose partnership for working with professional associations enabling the collection of reference prices in Public Procurement and prepare and produce monthly, quarterly and annual reports.
Assess the level of perception and use of reference prices in public procurement.
Update reference prices and coordinate all activities of software management of reference prices in public procurement.
Develop and elaborate sensitization strategic plan for the use of reference prices in public procurement.


The Public Procurement Authority is based on the following Principles: Transparency; Competition; Economy; Efficiency; Fairness; Accountability.

Public participation in procurement to allow free and fair competition minimizes corruption in the system, creating confidence, credibility, and reflects good governance on the part of the county's leadership. Transparency is practiced through public advertisement in public media, national and international papers of high circulation.


the key principle generally accepted that underlies the modern system of public procurement is open competition, universal access is unrestricted procurement. This ensures the best efficiency in the use of public funds. Its implementation allows to attract the maximum number of candidates and to achieve the objective of quality at the best price. Similarly its implementation is a struggle against corruption and similar acts.


Public procurement entails efficient use of public funds to ensure value for money, achievable and realizable public programs and projects at minimum cost. While implementing public policy, competition based and guided by both quantitative and qualitative criteria is conducted to achieve best quality at minimum.


Efficiency to expedite procurement functions is of high essence so as to avoid bogging down implementation of public programs at the expense of transparency.


Considerations of fairness is an aspect of good governance where benefits from public resources are evenly distributed to minimize monopolistic tendencies that may come about due to uneven distribution of capacity and other influencing factors.


Accountability is an administrative necessity in public administration, more so with regard to public financial management. This principle implies sound management of the process of procurement.


1 To advise the government and other public procurement organs on the policies, strategies and organization of public procurement;
2To monitor activities of public contract award and execution. In this regard procuring entities shall be obliged to provide any information and documentation requested by the PPA;
3To develop human resources and professionalism in public procurement; To develop teaching materials, organize training programs, set required qualifications for public procurement professionals;
4To collect and disseminate procurement information on public procurement; To suspend or approve the suspension and debarment bidders in public procurement; To provide technical support where possible, to public procuring entities;
5To organize public awareness campaigns on matters related to public procurement; To establish relations and cooperate with other regional and international agencies of the same responsibilities.